Outreach Committee

2019-06-09 (1).png

- What We Do -

Mission for outreach: Our job is to empower our community by advocating for STEM and higher education. 

But also, to empower each other! We can’t empower anyone if we are not empowered ourselves.


Join the Outreach Committee and organize events like…


Noche de Ciencias

Noche de Ciencias is meant to inspire and teach students about STEM career fields through interactive activities. Students have the opportunity to discover new career avenues while parents are encouraged to attend and learn about the higher education application process!


The YES Initiative

The Youth in Engineering & Science initiative (YES) promotes higher education among Latino and other under-served communities by advocating for STEM to students at a younger age. Middle school students from James Hedges Elementary school visit our engineering campus and learn about STEM through fun activities.


Want to Join?

Email our Outreach coordinator Isabella Linarez and she’ll get you started!

Email : outreach.shpe.uic@gmail.com

Past Events!