Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers By-Laws
To aid Hispanics and other minorities toward achieving a degree in engineering, science, or mathematics, we, the founding members, have united to form an organization called the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago, formerly the Latino Association Supporting Engineering Careers. It will be our primary goal to help and assist fellow Hispanic and other minority students through our combined cooperation, efforts, and resources in the pursuit of our similar goals. Since our Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter is primarily an academic organization, our gatherings will consist of instructive, tutorial, and organizational meetings on a regular and informal basis. Realizing the difficult road that Hispanics and other minorities face in these fields, it is thus in the best interest of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago to establish a base on which our goals will be achieved.
Section 1:
Organization’s NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago, formerly known as the Latino Association Supporting Engineering Careers. Social media and other media types can be labeled as SHPE at UIC or SHPE @ UIC to distinguish it as a Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter at the University of Illinois Chicago.
Section 1:
The purpose of this organization shall be to:
I. Maintain and increase the enrollment of Hispanics and other minorities in engineering and science programs at the University of Illinois Chicago.
II. Provide information to Hispanics and other minorities in high schools and junior colleges concerning engineering, science opportunities, and available programs.
III. Provide academic guidance and career orientation.
IV. Provide a meeting place for Hispanics and other minorities with similar interests and goals.
Section 1:
Full membership will be limited to the University of Illinois Chicago students. All requirements will conform to the University of Illinois Chicago Board of Trustees’ policies regarding nondiscrimination based on race, religion, sex, or national origin.
It is the policy of the University and this organization not to engage in discrimination or
harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, disability, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, age, order of protection status, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, arrest record status, unfavorable discharge from the military, or status as a protected veteran and to comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action laws, orders, and regulations.
A member may only be expelled from the organization if 2/3 of the active membership votes for their expulsion.
Section 2:
Membership will consist primarily of but not limited to students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields such as engineering, architecture, technology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, and other science fields. The University of Illinois Chicago students will be considered official Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago chapter members after their chapter fees have been received; national fees are not required for non-board members if they wish to participate only in chapter events and programs. Active membership shall be maintained on a semester basis (see Article XV)
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers will follow the university guidelines that define good academic standing.
Section 1:
1. President
2. Internal Vice President
3. External Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Executive Advisor
6. Fundraising Chair
7. Public Relations Chair
8. Outreach Chair
9. Technical Team Leader
10. Academic Chair
11. Communications Chair
12. MentorSHPE Program Chair
13. Activities Chair
14. LeaderSHPE Chair
15. Historian
16. Webmaster
17. MemberSHPE Chair
18. SHPEtinas Chair
Section 2:
I. Currently an active and enrolled student at the University of Illinois Chicago
II. Active Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers member for one (1) year (see Article XV)
III. 2.5 (out of 4.0) Overall Grade Point Average
IV. Active Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers member for at least two (2) years for the presidency, and active Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers member for a minimum of one (1) semester leading up to the upcoming election for all other offices. Anyone who wants to be a co-chair or part of a committee can do so without prior experience in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers or the University of Illinois Chicago.
V. For President and Vice President, a previous board position is required (co-chair and committee are not eligible board positions). For Treasurer and Secretary, previous board involvement is required (co-chair and committee are eligible board positions).
Section 3:
All offices shall be held for one full year, effective at the start of the summer semester. Co-chairs and committee leads must keep their positions for at least one semester effective at the start of the fall semester.
Section 4:
Chapter Planner must be completed after every event
Create and keep documentation for all events/projects
Update respective board folder on the drive with documentation
Expected to attend every board meeting
Create and post flyers to promote their events
Communicate and confirm with treasurer to obtain funding for events
Set SMART goals for each semester that align with the chapter’s Chapter Management Tool Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threat Analysis
a. Presides over meetings.
b. Responsible for organizing and creating agendas for all board meetings.
c. Delegates tasks and oversees activities between other officers.
d. Responsible for overseeing weekly updates.
e. Shall attend the College of Engineering Engineering Council/Advisory Board meetings and/or appoint another officer on the board to attend.
f. Shall be responsible for keeping connections between our Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Nationals.
g. Shall be responsible for keeping connections between our Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Professional Chapters.
h. Shall confirm all funding proposals.
i. Organizes and leads all logistics for selected chapter members to attend the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National and Regional conference.
j. Ability to create new positions as needs arise, with two-thirds (⅔) board approval.
k. Responsible for leading national reporting duties including National Quarterly Check-Ins, the National Chapter Program 1 and 2, and the Chapter Management Tool.
l. Confer with the chapter advisor to finalize the list of sponsored conference registrations.
Internal Vice President
a. In the absence of the President or by delegation, the Vice President shall take over the President’s responsibilities. The Internal Vice President and External Vice President shall become the Interim Co-Presidents if the President resigns or becomes disqualified for the position up to and including the day of the new President.
b. The Internal Vice President shall serve as a lead organizer for the (Equity and Inclusion in Engineering Program) Annual Banquet.
c. Responsible for working with the Executive Advisor in registering and tracking board member attendance for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Institute for Leadership Advancement and President’s Summit.
d. Ensures all board members complete a Chapter Planner every semester.
e. Provide support during conferences.
f. Oversee the annual review and any amendments to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago By-Laws
External Vice President
a. In the absence of the President or by delegation, the Vice President shall take over the President’s responsibilities. The Internal Vice President and External Vice President shall become the Interim Co-Presidents if the President resigns or becomes disqualified for the position up to and including the day of the new President.
b. Responsible for arranging conference sponsorship and growing chapter funds by sharing the chapter’s Corporate Sponsorship Packet with company contacts starting the summer term.
c. Grow and maintain company relations and work with the Public Relations Chair to bring company representatives to engage with members on campus.
d. Provide support during conferences.
e. Oversee the annual review and any amendments to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago By-Laws
a. In charge of the meeting minutes for all board meetings, all Top 5 meetings, and any advisor meetings they are involved in.
b. Responsible for reserving a location for Board and Executive meetings.
c. Provide a Calendar of Events per semester.
d. Provide feedback forms on the wellness of board members.
e. Provide support during conferences.
a. Responsible for the chapter’s financial accounts and bookkeeping to ensure funds aren’t misused.
b. Responsible for drafting proposals for all events requiring funding.
c. Accounts for current membership dues with appropriate receipt.
d. Promptly reimburse members for Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers expenditures.
e. Responsible for providing one treasury report per semester to executive board members.
f. Provide support during conferences.
g. Responsible for creating the Corporate Partnership Packet committee to acquire funds for Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers projects and conferences by May.
h. Responsible for managing the end of the year scholarship.
Executive Advisor
a. Responsible for working with the Internal Vice President in registering and tracking board member attendance for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Institute for Leadership Advancement and President’s Summit.
b. Advises the president on any pertinent matters.
c. Provide support during conferences.
d. Responsible for orders of graduation stoles.
e. Position is elected by the President.
f. Confer with the chapter advisor to finalize the list of sponsored conference registrations.
Fundraising Chair
a. Responsible for creating a committee with the goal of increasing funds within the organization.
b. Arranges and coordinates activities geared towards raising funds, including the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Scholarship.
c. Networks with community leaders to raise awareness about organizations and acquire funds.
d. Works closely with the Treasurer in handling Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago merchandise/T-shirts.
Public Relations Chair
a. Responsible for the coordination of general body meetings.
b. Establish and maintain professional networks.
c. Create and share flyers for all General Body Meetings to the Communications Chair.
d. Works closely with Historian to create/update alumni and professional databases.
Outreach Chair
a. Responsible for creating and leading team(s) in planning events to encourage K-12 grade students to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics related fields.
b. Responsible for coordinating and facilitating the annual Noche De Ciencias.
c. Establish and oversee the Outreach Committee.
d. Establish and update a catalog of hands-on activities for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics events.
e. Responsible for arranging events in support and assistance to the community.
f. Maintain community partnerships.
Technical Team Leader(s)
a. Oversees design, construction, and operation of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers robot(s).
b. Assign a captain to each of the robot(s), and delegate members to respective teams.
c. Responsible for the attendance of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers robot in the Midwestern Robotics Design Competition, and other competitions.
d. Work in conjunction with the Treasurer to attain funds to facilitate the construction of robot(s).
e. Provide a progress report of events/projects for the Executive board in order to increase communication.
f. Document all design changes relating to mechanical, electrical, and coding.
g. Responsible for hosting any technical or software related workshops for general members to attend.
h. Ability to create other technical and engineering oriented projects if the robotics competition will not be in full capacity that school year.
Academics Chair
a. Maintain and advertise scholarship information resources and applications.
b. Coordinate at least two academic related events per semester.
c. Work as co-chair for Leadership Summit with the Vice President.
d. Raise awareness on aspects of student life, work ethic, and mental health that impact academic performance.
Communications Chair
a. Responsible for sending weekly newsletters to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers general body.
b. Responsible for the maintenance of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers website and social media.
c. Responsible for submitting event descriptions and information to the College of Engineering Newsletter.
d. In charge of creating an initiative that promotes chapter success and encourages recruitment.
MentorSHPE Program Chair
a. Responsible for the recruitment of mentors as well as mentees.
b. Responsible for organizing events for the MentorSHPE program participants.
c. Oversees and responsible for the integration of professional mentorship inclusion in the program.
d. Introduces students to opportunities within the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.
Activities Chair
a. Arranges social and recreational events within the organization.
b. Provides alternative activities for board members to participate in and facilitate board bonding.
c. Coordinate Beginning of the Year and/or End of the Year barbecue.
d. Encourages student organization collaboration.
e. Organizing/volunteering in community service events.
LeaderSHPE Chair
a. Organizes and executes recruitment efforts to form the LeaderSHPE committee. Target audience includes but does limit to Freshman and Transfer students.
b. Responsible for providing tools and guidance to develop committee members’ leadership skills through workshops and event planning.
c. Provides resources and tools for participants for professional leadership development either through workshops or one-on-ones.
a. Manages and creates all historical data and records for the chapter.
b. Creates additional documentation for record keeping on drive.
c. Updates and maintains Alumni database.
d. Works closely with Public Relations and Communications to provide supplemental material such as infographics or stats
a. Maintains and updates the chapter’s Squarespace website to remain user-friendly, visually appealing, and compatible across different devices.
b. Work with the Historian to transfer event pictures from Discord and chapter accomplishments to the website.
c. Work with the Communications Chair to transfer student highlights from Instagram and/or LinkedIn to the chapter website.
d. Update chapter URL changes across chapter platforms including Squarespace, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Linktree.
e. Responsible for adding and configuring Discord bots to help automate community engagement and data tracking.
f. Maintain the security of the Discord server by implementing checks and settings.
MemberSHPE Chair
a. Identify recruiting events during summer and early fall terms to share chapter resources and membership instructions with undergraduate and graduate students.
b. Share event flyers with ENGR 100 classes and brainstorm engagement opportunities with the incoming first-year and transfer students.
c. Assemble volunteers to create poster boards, visuals, and hand-outs for tabling events.
d. Work with the Activities Chair to brainstorm a member celebration event for the fall semester.
e. Work with the Historian to create and distribute chapter merchandise.
SHPEtinas Chair
a. Maintain relations with the Regional SHPEtinas Chair.
b. Grow the number of female members applying for conference sponsorship and attending events.
c. Organize or attend an annual SHPEtinas brunch or dialogue event.
d. Create content highlighting chapter members or influential figures for Hispanic American Heritage Month and/or Women's History Month.
Section 5:
A board meeting will be held to remove officer position(s). If two-thirds (⅔) of the present executive board vote for removing an officer position, then the position will be removed.
Officers may be removed from their position and the executive board if they violate the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers by-laws/constitution or any related University of Illinois Chicago policies. A warning shall be sent to the officer pending to be removed. The chapter advisor should be included before the first warning is sent out. If there are no corrections to behavior or the matter is urgent, a board meeting will be held to remove an officer. An advisor must oversee the removal process. If two-thirds of the present executive board vote for the removal of an officer or officer position and there is approval from the advisor, then the officer will be removed.
Section 6:
A board meeting will be held to elect officers or officer positions. If two-thirds (⅔) of the present executive board vote to elect the new officer or officer position, the officer elected must be notified and asked to accept the position.
Section 1:
A nomination can be made by any member and must be seconded by another member.
Nominees shall have the option to accept or reject the positions at the nominations meeting through the week and on Election Day.
Nominated members will be checked for eligibility by the executive board.
Interim board member(s) shall be appointed by the elected president in case no nominations are received and approved.
Nominations shall be conducted no later than the third week of March.
The length of the candidates’ speeches shall be decided upon at the time of nomination by the president.
Any nominated member not present and without a pre-written speech can be disqualified at the president’s discretion.
Section 1:
Elections shall be held the week or two weeks following accepted nominations.
Elections should be held no later than the second week of April.
All qualified (i.e. active and national) members of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers are eligible to hold office and vote for officers.
Notice of the outcome of elections and appointments shall be made via email.
Voting will continue for one week following the speeches.
Speeches shall be done in person or submitted virtually up to 2 days before the elections. If anyone is unable to attend in-person elections, the speech can be pre-written and given to someone to read that is attending elections or recorded to display virtually.
Section 1:
General meetings of this organization shall be held at least four times per semester (excluding the summer term).
Special meetings may be called at any time by the executive board.
The president will preside at the meetings but in the case they cannot attend, the vice president is able to take their place no more than half of the semester meetings.
At every meeting, two-thirds (⅔) or the active membership present will constitute a quorum.
No meeting shall be conducted without the presence of at least three members of the executive board.
In the absence of an executive board member, a member from the committee shall represent the officer.
Section 2:
The president will preside at the meetings but in the case they cannot attend, the vice president is able to take their place no more than half of the semester executive board meetings.
The secretary shall formulate the agenda for each board meeting and is responsible for taking notes all throughout.
All executive board members are expected to be present.
Section 1:
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers shall have one of more advisors which will be either full time faculty members or academic staff persons. Teaching Assistants (TAs) will not be eligible.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Advisor is expected to meet monthly with the President. The President should schedule these meetings and the Top 5 members are strongly encouraged to join in on these monthly meetings.
The purpose of selecting this candidate(s) will be to ensure that the organization is functioning according to its objectives.
Section 1: Co-Chairs
Any board position can appoint a co-chair except for the Executive Board.
Potential co-chairs must be reviewed by the Executive Board before the position is confirmed.
Proper justification must be provided for additional co-chairs in addition to previous guidelines.
Co-chairs are responsible for an equal and fair amount of work.
Section 1:
Dues will be based on the financial needs of the organization at that time.
Section 1:
Section 1.
The organization’s on-campus Chicago Organization Fund account will be managed primarily by the Treasurer/financial officer.
Section 2.
The registration form allows the President, Vice President, and Treasurer to authorize or sign documents concerning funds.
Section 3.
All monies collected on/off campus associated with this organization, MUST BE DEPOSITED into the organization’s Chicago Organization Fund account.
Section 1:
Advanced notice of the constitutional amendments will be announced at the general meetings.
Amendments can be proposed by any members and will be approved by two-thirds (⅔) of the executive board. Any amendments more than 30% of the by-laws/constitution need approval from the chapter advisor.
Section 1:
The aforementioned quorum (Article VII, section 1D) constitutes a referendum committee, which shall have the power to overrule any actions taken by the executive board.
Section 1:
The name of the organization shall be changed from Latino Association Supporting Engineering Careers to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.
Section 2:
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers will be a student chapter of the National Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.
Section 1:
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers local membership is defined by fulfilling national dues and submitting information to the chapter database form. To uphold active Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers membership status the member has to have consistent Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers involvement.
Active membership is defined by a point system for the regular mem
bers per semester. The percentage will be based on the number of events attended by the member divided by the total number of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers events. The executive board shall keep track of this policy by maintaining attendance sheets, committee reports, and receipts. Each committee chairperson shall be responsible for this tally.
Any member failing to maintain active member status shall lose for one semester the following privileges: Sponsorship and/or attendance to banquets, seminars, conferences, or any discount derived from membership, access to course files, and inclusion in the forthcoming resume book and shall forego the right to run for the executive board if sanctioned during the Spring Semester.